How do I get my child added to the Promenade list?

The first step is the fill out the application. (LINK) Once that is received, you child will be invited to any program that Promenade holds that is grade appropriate though senior year of high school.

Can my child attend 7th or 8th grade classes if they did not attend 6th grade classes?

Yes! We always welcome new students and will help get them caught up!

What happens if there is bad weather on a class night?

If class needs to be cancelled, you will get a notification via email. We will attempt to reschedule but that is not guaranteed.

What is your refund policy?

Application fees are non-refundable.

Class fees are refundable at 50% if you withdraw your child outside of the 2 weeks before the start of the session. Once it is 2 weeks or less before the start of the class, they are non-refundable.

Do boys ask girls to dance during class?

No – The children rotate during the class so all will get to meet each other and there is no one left out!

Can my child switch from one Sixth grade group to the other?

In some cases, switching from one group to another is allowed.  Please contact the grade level board member or Elizabeth Jones for more information.

Is Financial Aid available?

Yes.  Please contact our Executive Director for more information at elizabeth@promenadeofcharlotte.com.